Primary Current Project:
Campaign Strategy in Latin America
Working Papers
Aguilar, Rosario, Saul Cunow, and Scott Desposato. 2012. “The Racial Democracy? Latent Racial Cues and Vote Choice in Brazil”. Under review.
Desposato, Scott and Barbara Norrander. 2012. "The Gender Gap in Public Opinion in Latin America: Individual and Institutional Factors". Under Review.
Desposato, Scott, Matt Ingram, and Osmar Lannes. 2012. "The New Politics of the Brazilian Judiciary". Invitation to revise and resubmit.
Brown, David, Chris Brown, and Scott Desposato. 2012. "The Impact of NGO's on Turnout and Vote Choice in Brazil". Under Review.
Desposato, Scott. Going Negative in Comparative Perspective: Electoral Rules, Competition, and Consolidation in Ten Latin American Countries
Desposato, Scott. The Impact of Campaign Messages in New Democracies: Results From An Experiment in Brazil
Desposato, Scott and Francisco Cantu. "How to Measure Legislative Cohesion with Spatial Models."
Cantu, Francisco, Scott Desposato, and Eric Magar. "Roll-Call Votes, Agenda Control, and Transparency in Mexico's Chamber of Deputies."
Aguilar, Rosario, Saul Cunow, and Scott Desposato. "Race, Ballot Structure, and Vote Choice in Brazil: Report from a Field Experiment".
Journal Articles
Cantu, Francisco, Scott Desposato, and Eric Magar. Forthcoming. “Methodological Considerations for Students of Mexican Legislative Politics: Selection Bias in Roll-Call Votes”. Politica y Gobierno.
Cunow, Saul, Barry Ames, Scott Desposato, and Lucio Renno. Forthcoming. The Impact of Careerism on Incentives for Legislative Institution Building. Forthcoming, Legislative Studies Quarterly.
Scott Desposato, Matt Kearney, and Brian Crisp. 2011. "Using cosponsorship data to estimate ideal points." Legislative Studies Quarterly.
Brian Crisp, Scott Desposato, and Kris Kanthak. 2010. "Legislative pivots, presidential powers, and policy stability." Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization.
Scott Desposato and Ethan Scheiner. 2009. "Governmental Centralization and Party Affiliation: Legislator Strategies in Brazil and Japan." American Political Science Review, 102(4):509– 524.
Other Publications
Scott Desposato. Book Review: "The Handbook of National Legislatures, by M. Steven Fish and Matthew Kroenig." Legislative Studies Quarterly, Forthcoming.
Scott Desposato. Estratégia Eleitoral com Representação Proporcional de Lista Aberta e Distritos de Um Membro: Subeleitorados e Comunicação Política. In Magna Inácio and Lucio Rennó, editors, Legislativo Brasileiro em Perspectiva Comparada, pages 269–292. Editora UFMG, Belo Horizonte, 2010
Scott Desposato. "Party-Switching in Brazil: Causes, Effects, and Representation." In William B. Heller and Carol Mershon, editors, Political Parties and Legislative Party Switching. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2010
Scott W. Desposato. "Brazilian Political Reform: What Needs Fixing, What Doesn’t, and What to Do." In Instituicoes Representativas no Brasil: Balanco e Reforma. Editora UFMG, Belo Horizonte, 2007
Scott Desposato. "Preferˆencias dos eleitores e incentivos dos legisladores em ambientes eleitorais diversos: o caso dos estados brasileiros. In Celina Souza and Paulo Fa ́bio Dan- tas Neto, editors, Governo, polıticas públicas e elites polıticas nos estados brasileiros, pages 229–245. Revan, Rio de Janeiro, 2006
Scott Desposato. From Revolution to Rouba Mas Faz? Lula’s Reelection Campaign in Brazil. ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, V(I):29–32, spring/summer 2006
Scott Desposato. Latin American Legislative Politics. Latin American Politics and Society, 48(4):163–178, 2006
Desposato, Scott. Forthcoming. "How Informal Electoral Institutions
Determine Brazilian Legislative Politics". in Informal Institutions and
Democratic Politics. Edited by Steven Levitsky and Gretchen Helmke.
Desposato, Scott. 2004. "How Vote Buying Shapes the Legislative Arena". in Vote Buying: Who, What, When, and How? Edited by Frederic Schaeffer and Andreas Schedler. Forthcoming.
Desposato, Scott and John Petrocik. 2004. "The Variable Incumbency
Advantage: New Voters, Redistricting, and the Personal Vote". InRedistricting in the New Millenium. Edited by Peter Galderisi. Lanham: Lexington Books. Forthcoming.
Desposato, Scott. Forthcoming. "Explaining Patterns of Oversight in
Brazilian Subnational Governments". In Legislative Oversight: Theories and Practices. Edited by Dave Olson, Riccardo Pelizzo, and Frank Stapehurst. WBI Working Papers Series on Contemporary Issues in Parliamentary Development.
The World Bank.
Working Papers and Projects
The Impact of Campaign Messages in New Democracies:
Results From An Experiment in Brazil
"Conditional Logit with Unobserved Choice Set Selection" Working Paper.
"An Agent-Based Model of Electoral Systems"Working Paper.
"The Impact of Party-Switching on Legislative Behavior in Brazil" Working Paper.
Dissertation Chapters
Title: "Institutional Theories, Societal Realities, and Party Politics in Brazil"
Here are some dissertation chapters. Any feedback or comments are greatly appreciated.
Chapter 2: Societal Variables and Party Labels: A Comparison of Five State Party Systems in Brazil
Chapter 3: Would SMD Fix Brazil's Party System? A Comparison of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate
Chapter 4: The Mechanisms and Impact of Federalism on Brazilian Parties