
Roll-call Votes from The Mexican Chamber of Deputies

Last Data Update: July 14, 2011

Codebook added September 26, 2011



This page supports the distribution of a dataset we collected of roll-call votes from the Mexican Chamber of Deputies, 1997-2010. We plan to update this data periodically. Below are several versions of the data, including estimated ideal points for legislators, and code to generate several quantities of (potential) interest.

If you use this data, please cite: Cantu, Francisco, Scott Desposato, and Eric Magar. 2010. Roll Call Votes from the Mexican Chamber of Deputies.

Codebook is here.

Estimated Ideal Points by Legislator-Party These files contain estimated ideal points for each of these legislators, with the legislator-party as the unit of analysis. Ideal points are estimated using WNominate, Ideal, and Optimal Classification. Variables are, in order, Deputy Name, Party, WNOMINATE dimension 1, WNOMINATE dimension 2, IDEAL median dimension 1, IDEAL median dimension 2, OC dimension 1, and OC dimension 2.

    Estimated Ideal Points

        57th Legislature

        58th Legislature

        59th Legislature

        60th Legislature

If you want to replicate this, the R code below will download the roll-call votes, estimate ideal points, and combine them into a single file. R code to produce the above is here.

Raw Roll Call Vote Files The following provide the raw roll-call votes, cleaned of spelling and other problems as described in the codebook above. The codebook also provides more details on what each file contains:

    Raw Votes in a single tall file, csv format

    Raw Votes in a single tall file, Stata format

    Descriptions of bills/items being voted on

Additional Replication Code Additional code to replicate our papers The New Federalism of Mexico's Party System and Legislative Politics in the Mexican Chamber of Deputies will be posted below shortly.

Data Sources, Representativeness, and Shortcomings:

The data presented here include every vote published on the Mexican Chamber of Deputies' website ( All data were downloaded via an automated perl script that iterated through every vote, saved all relevant information, and cleaned it for analysis.

These data do not include any votes that were not published on the Chamber of Deputies' website. We do not have information on the number or nature of votes that are recorded, but not published on the website. We invite collaboration from scholars working with paper records to resolve any differences and clarify the representativeness of these data from the universe of all votes.

There are many minor problems with the data, though we have tried to fix as many as possible. For example, names of deputies as reported may change slightly from vote to vote. We have done our best to produce a standardized list of names, but there may be some we have missed. We identify election type (list or district), state, governors' party, and other variables. We have done our best to assure the accuracy of all these variables, but it is possible that some errors persist. Indeed, for a handful of legislators, we have been unable to identify their district number or election type.

We welcome any corrections and will update this database should we receive any corrections or suggestions. Please contact us at or

Errata and Corrections

1.Our database is missing about 6% of electronic votes; we are working on adding them. Eric Magar is collaborating with us to correct and update this dataset. CORRECTED, July 1, 2011

2.Thanks to Johanan Rivera for correcting several state codes, updates completed May 2011.

3.Thanks to Ana Collignon Delmar for correcting several district and state codes.

4.Many of the original problems with district and state codes appear to be errors in official sources, see for example: LEGISLATURAS XXVII-LX (1917-2009) Diputados Integrantes. Cámara de Diputados del H. Congreso de la Unión, LX Legislatura. México, Mayo 2008.

© Scott Desposato 2016